Hi All,
I uploaded a new version of the XCTpvr plugin. This one includes an early stage EPG. I think to continue its development I will need input from Xlobby users. Operating the EPG can be akward since Xlobby uses the arrow keys for navigation. If I were to use them in the plugin, Xlobby would lose focus and not respond to your input. You can't click on any of the items in the EPG window. I am still trying to figure out the best way to handle the user interface. Some ideas would be helpful from here on from anyone who tries the plugin.
1) There seems to be a refresh problem for the contents controlled by Xlobby. This is the show information in the upper right side of screen. As you navigate the shows this data will not always refresh.
2) Creating and Deleting a schedule will sometimes cause the EPG window to disappear. The only way to get it back is to restart Xlobby.
3) Screen fonts and slots does not always scale properly. I will be providing the ability to change the fonts properties. You will also be able to change the colors used in the EPG.
Found a memory leak the caused graphic rendering problems.
To install follow the instructions at the start of this thread. If you are upgrading from an older version, You need to enter the plugin setup in Xlobby(F2 Key). Find the XCTpvr under the plugins tab. Click on the button labeled "Restore XCTpvr Screen". This will delete the older versions of XCTpvr windows. If you have customized your screens this will overwrite them so make backup copies.
The EPG requires
CTpvr be installed on your PC. Even if CTpvr has expired, you can still use CTpvr manager to download your listing for the plugin.
I'll provide more information as the need arises. The EPG can be used in multiple screen and different sizes. You need to follow the sample in my screens. They run an event when the screens load to adjust to your desired object. Both the TV viewer and the EPG do this. The commands "viewer" and "epg viewer" control this action.
Give me a few more days to find a solution for runing playlist items instead of the open dialog window.