The plugin 'XConvertToVariable' has only one command 'Convert' which takes two parameters - the xlobby text variable and the new variable name you wish to save this data to.
The reason for this plugin is to make any xlobby variable globally visible, so that it can be used in any other event or external command.
For example:
1) create a new event
2) Add a plugin command for XConvertToVariable plugin, command = Convert
3) Type in the parameter field
- Code: Select all
This would convert the 'epg>time' variable which is not globally visible to a new variable which can be referred to by %variable>epgtime% in many other events.
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I have included the VB.NET source code and a compile batch file for anyone that wants to see the basics of a VB.NET plugin.
(You DO NOT need Visual Studio to compile it)
In order to use 'compile.bat' ...
1) put a copy of XpluginSDK.dll in the same directory as the vb source code
2) Install the .net 1.1 SDK from Microsoft
3) add a path to the .net sdk directory in 'My Computer > properties > Advanced > Environment variables > System variables > path'. This is so that you can just put 'vbc' in the batch file rather than the full path to the .net 1.1 sdk directory (although you could do that if you like).
4) Run 'compile.bat' which will also copy the newly created dll to the xlobby directory (you may have to change the directory name)
5) Run xlobby and you have just made a xlobby plugin.
I actually used a beta version of Visual Studio 2005 (free to download at the moment) to write the plugin and then compiled it using the above method. Seemed to work pretty well and did not cost anything.