Would you be able to give more detail on the enclosure?? I have a 10" Lilliput that I mounted a little low so my daughter could reach it. Me being a little bit taller makes it hard for me to see because this touchscreen has a bad viewing angle from the top. Being able to tilt it would be awesome if it was not to hard to make.
Sure Scott,
It isn't as fancy as it sounds. I opened the touchscreen case and found that there was space between the outside of the case and the inner 'guts'.
So I built this out of 1/2 inch thick plywood and piece of scrap moulding I had laying around:
I built a box with inner dimensions just about a 1/4 inch larger than the touchscreen outer dimensions. The screen is held in place by a pin on either side of the box that fit into holes I drilled into either side of the case. The pins are just some cut down nails. Not shown in the illustration are two more pins that act as stops to keep the screen from tilting too far in either direction.
The entire thing slides into the wall and is held in place by a friction fit. ( I was very carefull cutting out the hole - mearsure twice - cut once )
The edges are hidden behind the molding around the box and I can pull the whole thing out of the wall if need be.
While the Liliput is a smaller screen all you need is the tiniest bit of clearance, just enought to have the pin go through the case and not touch anything inside. Good luck!
i have a few ibm thinkpads laying around i was going to use for that, then i went to V3 so i scrapped that idea, the license for the q1 and the server is good enough for now. (trying to save money)
not sure if the free version will connect to V3 with xnet, if it does, i can get the laptops up and running again.
Billbert, if all you want is a music controller with maybe some home automation then I would suggest using the thinkpads and the old free version of XL. Multiple copies of XL can access a single media source such as a shared drive that contains your music. Save the paid version of XL3 for the theater!