by Stimpson J. Cat on Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:21 pm
Hi. This is my first time posting here. Great software.
I am having trouble getting variables as a custom search value to work. Here is what I am trying to do:
I have a videos database with fields "genre", "series", and "name". The sort order is genre:series:name. I have a page which displays this category, and two buttons. One is labeled "Genre", and the other "Series".
The Genre button brings up a filterdetails overlay and sets the filter to "genre". That way I can easily select a genre. The Series button also brings up a filterdetails overlay, and does a "set filter again" action, setting the filter to "series". That way I can filter to a genre, and then when I click "Series", it lists only the series in that genre.
The problem is that if I select a series, and then want to select a different series from the same genre, I have to click "genre" again, reselect the genre, and then click "series". If I just click "series", then I only see the current series.
I understand why it does this. I attempted to use a custom search to achieve what I want. For the series button, I first have it do a custom search with:
Category Name - videos
Field - genre
Value - category>videos>genre
Then I open the filterdetails overlay and do the "set filter again" option, with field set to "series".
The custom search doesn't seem to do anything (I also tried it by itself). Am I doing it wrong?
I also tried %category>videos>genre% and category>videos>%genre% as the Values. None of them work.
Is this possible? All I want is to do a custom search for all items with the same genre as the current item. Is there some other way to achieve this?