Zoomplayer 3.3 is not controlled with the default screen. Zoomplayer 3.1 works fine, how can I update Xlobby to control 3.3?
You mean the zoo,player screen?. What bits are not working. I would be very suprised if ZP changed the messages it responseded to between versions .Please describe in more detail
A button can eceute multiple commands: iThe button needs to be assosiacted with an event in the skin editor. But first the event and the commands it performs need to be defined in the event manager (f2)
n A40 Evener manager, selectt the command from the right hand panel you want to assign to an event. You can ADD as many commands as you like by pressing the ADD button. Once you have defined the event with it's multiple commands you can then asssign it to a button in the skin editor.