Download and install
stella 2.1
You will need to point where your roms are in stella. You can do that in the options screen. I also like to associate stella with my .a26 files, though you dont have too.
If you associated your rom file with stella then you can doubleclick it and open it to play. otherwise open the stella.exe. You can configure the roms path there. If you are playing a game, you can hit the
TAB key and bring up the video, audio, input menu. Configure your video and map your controller how you want. Then exit.
In xlobby you can simply import a database using the roms template. Make sure your file type (a26) is in the import template. Then import your roms to your custom category.
After your roms are successfully imported then you need to start XLobby and configure the file association parameters.
This is what tells stella to launch and how via command lines. A complete list of commandlines can be found in
Stella, Users Guide I would recommend open gl rendering. Once the file types are set up make sure they are enabled. (non yellow highlighted)
Lastly, you take a look at your database. You can set your coverart add additonal info etc. If you want it displayed then you will need to have it tagged in your database. I havent created a way to poplulate all of the info yet for the database, so you will manually edit it for now.
Create your Atari page and add the atari category associated to the new Atari database. A simple execute of this category launches game fullscreen. You quit the emulator by a mapped button in the emulator.
Thats it ENJOY!