P3rv3rt B3ar wrote: Seriously though u dont wanna use Creative speakers on u HT zone
at this time
i come in a old house in several weeks
to live there
and i would like to have multiroom audio
and at this moment i must buy a audio card
so why not buy an audigy audio card 7.1
because it permet with xlobby to have multiroom audio...
and i have planned to have a 7.1 restitution in the future
in the first main place which is not big
but i have planned to have a multimedia room
there there is a lot place
and it will be the real multimedia place
so my question was for the first small place
to have a temporaly small place with 7.1 restitution
for the real multimedia place it will be other things
but i can at this moment have a simple stereo restitution
in the small first place and wait for the real multimedia place...
in these case i ll buy probably an audigy card who permet
in xlobby to have ...stereo.. mutliroom...