After a very long wait and a bit of prodding from Marbles.... I give you my XPro skin.
-1360x768 default resolution
-designed for remote
Hi all!!!
This was built on the last freeware version which it is in everyday use. Although I have tested it with the latest pre-release and it seems happy enough.
OK, there will need to be some explanations...
1. I use xoapweather instead of the default xweather
2. The main menu has been simplified for general use (there is a menu-tech.xml in the folder which is the menu I use which looks like this)
3. The network page and my menu screen uses my xWol plugin
4. All my databases (apart from music and pictures) are built from xAnt so the TV and Radio etc may not work for you - just use what you can
5. The offline events are split between movies and TV and have a seperate script to fire, so if you need the XScriptNG script, just let me know.
6. Navigation. All my nav is done with the remote. Generally I use up and down in the cats to switch pages and left/right to break into the menu buttons - works fo me!!!
7. No zoning - have no need at the mo
8. No PPC - maybe soon - just rip one from another skin!!!
9. 1360x768 and there will be a 1024x768 version coming for touchscreens
10. Can't think of anything else... so piccy time!!
EDIT: These images are too wide for the forum so you can also grab them here, here, here and here. These images are degraded gifs, so do not really convey the smoothness of the screens.
Oh yeah, there are 2 zoomplayer screens included. I use Girder now for Zoomplayer, which works a lot better for me.