To ptrinchi: XaP V4??

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To ptrinchi: XaP V4??

Postby lar282 on Tue May 22, 2007 1:02 pm

Just saw that there is a Version 4 of your XaP plugin? Would u like to tell us more about it?

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Postby ptrinchi on Tue May 22, 2007 2:41 pm


This new version is currently in test at the frenchteam.
It wants to largely facilitate the use and the parameter setting.

The modifications are:
- Training of the network xAP by autodetection of Devices and automatic parameter setting. When XL starts, it questions all the applications to know their devices (and during each detection of a new application, it questions it too)
=> Xl is updated without operation of the user.
=> All the BSC and standard devices are immediately visible.

- Real time updating of a XL database named Domotic-Devices which contains the list of the devices found with name, status, text, imageā€¦
=> The name of all the devices is known. It is much easier to parameterize the fields text which posts the variables like plugin>xap-xlobby>state>xxxxx or plugin>xap-xlobby>image>xxxxx

- Addition of the variable "date" (plugin>xap-xlobby>date>xxxxx) which makes it possible to know the last date of change of the device.

- Broadly more stable, faster and simpler.

Currently in test 24 hours/24 with the applications :
- MSCxAP-1Wire
- MSCxAPW800 (RfxComm)
- Plugin for HS
- xAP-Mail
- xAP-X10

I post Image as soon as possible... :wink:
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Postby dgemily on Tue May 22, 2007 3:00 pm

I'm also testing the V4 in this experience:
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