xLobby Reflections

Skin graphics and skinning help

xLobby Reflections

Postby wesblack on Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:49 am

Use this thread to show your skin samples using xLobbys new Reflections and image tools. :D

See this news post: http://xlobby.com/news/2009/04/10/new-xlobby-release/

Wes Black \ Calrad
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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby BaddaBing on Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:50 am

Very nice and thanks.

One suggestion, would you think about adding the ability to skew just the reflection?

Last edited by BaddaBing on Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby Grooby on Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:30 am

Here you go... :D

Music flow...iphone


Movie flow...iphone


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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby wesblack on Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:25 pm


ahhhhhhhh............! the final touch, excellent.

Baddabing I knew you would bring this up.....Its still on our list, we had to start some where. Hope everyone is happy with our first release of reflections. :D

Wes Black \ Calrad
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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby BaddaBing on Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:32 am

Just a minor quibble, Wes. The reflections themselves are a very nice enhancement. :)
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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby samsonlov on Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:25 am

Oh, Snap! Yeah Boyieeee! Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout! :D
Steven and Wes, you've made my day! Now I can make my skins look almost as cool as Andy's, Badabing's, Rika's, and Sean's (And the rest of the great skinners out there). Well, not really, but at least I can make them look a lot better than they do now.
Very very cool!
Thanks guys,

Steven and Wes: Is it possible to "not reflect" the text? (please please please) Most of the images I use (except covers) have text descriptions at the bottom of the image, and when the text is displayed in the reflection, it looks kind-of "funny" (in a "not-funny" way). I've tried a work-around with "offset", but placing the text in the offset area causes it to be displayed "under" the "faded" part of the reflection. (IMO) "not-reflecting the text" should be standard. But maybe this is not even possible cause of the way Steven has the text "drawn" with the image?
reflection1.JPG (9.32 KiB) Viewed 16071 times

reflection.JPG (8.62 KiB) Viewed 16071 times

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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby S Pittaway on Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:30 am

I am the opposite, i want the text reflected :)

I might have found a bug? or i might be doing something stupid :)

Does the reflection option work for simple text elements?

I have started converting my wall screen to use the new options, and the pictures one is the most complicated so i thought i would start there...

I like the photos to look like polaroid snaps so i need to overlay the cover on a white background and add a label, then reflect it.

If i do this everything works apart from the text which is not reflected -




You can see that the text is not reflected...

If i make the text a property of the white rectangle it works and is reflected.

If i try and reflect a text element by itself it doesn't seen to reflect.

S Pittaway
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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby billberet on Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:10 pm

did anyone run any tests to see how much overhead the reflections will cause?
i always like performance over appearance. haveing Q1 touchscreens i am finding the new releases of XL adding more and more overhead. i am at my limit. as it is now, when i go thru the movie's it takes about 3 seconds for any 'click' to register.

otherwise everything is working great.
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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby wesblack on Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:37 am


See the new release.

[skin editor] reflection opacity value, reflection skew x angle was added. :D

Wes Black \ Calrad
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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby wesblack on Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:48 am


Text works with reflections, Increasing or decreasing the size of the text box will also change the loaction of the reflection. :)

xLobby Text Reflections.jpg

Wes Black \ Calrad
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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby S Pittaway on Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:28 am

it all works for me on the new version :)
S Pittaway
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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby S Pittaway on Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:06 pm

Looking good, but i think i have found another option that needs adding... Peple are never happy are they? :)

You can specify the y offset for the reflection.

But since you added the reflection skew option you really need to be able to specify the x offset as well to get things to line up.

I am still building up the "photo" layouts, each item is built from a white rectangle, a text box and a text box for the image...

i thought i would have a play with skewing the reflections -



But you cant get the reflected skewed photo to line up with the white box -

You should be able to see what i mean in the last image.

S Pittaway
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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby S Pittaway on Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:15 pm

Ta Da!

This is my first V3 screen (and it was a fiddly one too) -


Overall i am pretty happy :)

Only V3 things I have noticed (remember i am used to V2) -

The pop-up tool bars for the skin editor are "locked" to the xlobby window (ditto for the F2 pop up) - i cant believe people are not bitching about it :) i spent 1/2 the time moving dialogues around so i could see the control on the screen :) apart from that the new editor is good.

To do these flow screens you have to use the "category>pictures>cover>-4" type notation... but the aspect ratio is not preserved, could we have a general tick box called "stretch to fill" which would turn this on/off? For me most of the time i would want it to stretch but for photos is just wrong.
TBH, I think it would be a useful option to have on all images.

Also i was tricked! :)
I thought that you could reference other fields using the >1,2,3 notation ( eg. "category>pictures>name>-4") on the old V2 build nothing was displayed if you did this...
When i tried to do this on the new build it looked like it was working, but in reality is is showing the text for the selected item - notice that all of the images are called "007 - For Sale...".
Could the "category>xxxxx>yyyyy>-x" notation be extended to cover other fields in the item?

Cheers, Sean.
Last edited by S Pittaway on Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
S Pittaway
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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby wesblack on Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:49 pm


We are going to add "x offset". It should be in the next release.

Wes Black \ Calrad
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Re: xLobby Reflections

Postby BaddaBing on Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:46 am

Just to show what I'm doing with some of the new features, this screen includes live background, flow and reflections with offsets.
Thanks Wes and Steven for all the hard work! :D


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