I'd like to be able to sort the results of a 'set filter' command in reverse order.
In my case I have:
a database, moviedb.xml, that I set through the category item to a movieall category which is hidden on the screen.
I have an event that does a
'set filter'
category: movieall, filter: rating, results category: moviefilterbrowser
Now this lists the ratings in the moviefilterbrowser category from lowest to highest, but I would like the highest rated movies to show up first. (ie moviefilterbrowser has a 'Details Cat' of movie_select which shows the cover art of the movies in this rating.
I've tried adding a 'set sort order' command, with category name: moviefilterbrowser, and sort order: -1:year, but this doesn't seem to have any affect. (I've tried this before and after the 'set filter' command)
I'd also like to do this with the year, but this should be the same as the above example once I get it figured out.
Any help would be much appreciated!