I searched the forum but could not find anyone with the solution, please help me out.
1/ Using DVD shrink I created a movie folder with the subfolders Video_TS and Audio_TS
2/ I added the DVD using DVD Profiler
3/ I exported the collection.xml
4/ Using Xlobby I imported the parent folder of the movie as in the basic guide
*The M: folder name is not the same as the disk name
This is the screen I get:
1/The DVD won't play from Xlobby when I click on it (white box with Faculty Project Folder name), All that happens is Theatertek loads and sits there. If I use File->open I can play the movie
2/The DVD cover and DVD folder have not alligned
These are my settings for Import
These are my settings for Metamask
This is the folder layout
Can anyone help please?