I've managed to make a file structure like so:
Folder: MUSIC\Folder: ARTIST\Folder: TRACK
So, for example:
Music\REM\Losing My Religion.mp3
I do not want albums involved other than to show up on the "Now Playing" screen.
How can I accomplish what I want now?
1) I want a screen of all my artists. Selecting an artist, brings up a list of all their tracks. Selecting a track plays the track (or adds it to playlist).
2) Screen of all genres. Selecting a genre brings up a list of all Artists with songs in that genre. Selecting an artist brings up a list of all that artists tracks which are in that genre.
3) Only songs that have a "occassion" tag of: "Wife". (This is for my wife's playlist - her songs are directly tagged). First screen has Artists who have a "Wife" tag. Selecting an Artist, brings up the tracks that artist has which are tagged with "Wife"
4) Screen of all artists that have any songs with a year greater than 2005. Selecting an artist brings up a screen of their tracks. (This is my "current music" list)
Can anyone help me set these up, please?
Q: How do I get it to read the id3 tag?
Colby: If you use the music template to import via id3 tags that is what it does.
You can see this in the music database, if you click edit db in the setup menu. Here will be all the info of your music. That is where you type in the sort order.
Can someone help me understand that? I know my tags are correct, but I'm somehow getting "Various Artists" in my structure.