Connecting to xlobby server via client

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Connecting to xlobby server via client

Postby jfireluv on Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:00 am

I have been using Xlobby for several years but have never got the client to synch with the xlobby server. I have always been able to do the web interface or the computer directly.
I am using the HeavyMetal Screen with my Servers.txt file, or, but neither work. When I try to connect to the server from another machine via the Xnet interface I get System.Runtime.Remoting.Remoting Execution found 2 different objects associated with the same URI

I am using windows xp on all machines, .Net 2.0, Xlobby version 1.0.2277.33999.

What am I doing wrong??

Thanks for the help

Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Oct 04, 2004 8:36 pm

Postby JSL on Sun May 14, 2006 3:56 pm

Hi jfireluv,

I am trying to setup xnet these days and I had the exact same problem. I my case the reason was, that XP on the computer running the Xlobby Server was not setup to allow any connections to it. I solved it by enabling file sharing.

So what I did: right-clicked on the folder that I was going to share, clicked Properties>Sharing (tab)>pressed on the warning text>clicked Share this computer on the network (check box). I was exposed for a guide leading me through additional steps to the above. After this xnet fat client hooked up fine (I have al the time been able to use the thin client on my xlobby server just fine).

Hope this might lead you the right way.

Posts: 31
Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2004 11:22 am