Does anyone have xlobby running with the iMON RSC remote, i can talk to xlobby but my commands are very mixed, I need to update my remote commands to the approprite button, any ideas?
I've been using the Imon PC remote by teaching my USBUIRT/Xlobby the codes. My USBUIRT/Xlobby combo then transmits any of my learned codes by IR to the Imon. Is that what you mean?
So I've got Xlobby up and running enought to play some music, sans pics. I also use an Imon remote. I have an internal IR reciever so I'd prefer to be able to teach my Imon software what the keypresses are for the buttons in my skin. Do I have to navigate to each button and push enter, or can I assign 'P' to play and 'S' to stop?
Unfortunatly Imon is still working on their girder plugin. Right now it uses proprietary software to execute keyboard presses in whichever screen is active. Which should do the trick since if ZP becomes the active window it will automatically control it. So what I'm wondering it can I assign a key press to a button to trigger an event, is their a good resource for this?
Actually it looks like it's in a sticky. I guess I'm going to have to try using the skin editor and give it a shot.
Yeah, unfortunately I don't use imon or Zoomplayer, so I'm of absolutely no help here. It just seems like not too many know about the Girder plugin, so I thought I'd mention it. Sorry I can't help further.
I ended up getting a usb-uirt. I now only use the Imon for it's wakePC functionality. I also think that the girder plugin might only work with the new imons being sold, they made some changes and I never downloaded the latest software (i dont even need software for the wake pc part) so I never found out if the girder plugin would work for me. I needed a blaster for sage so the usb-uirt just seemed an easier solution and more widely accepted by the different programs.