After receiving excellent criticism from Colby, I decided to revamp my MayTV skin (screenshots to come). In the original skin I set up a movie page and when selecting the movie, would go to an info page where I had a button to play the movie. Going from one screen to the other though, Zoom Player would start and play the movie automatically, in which I would have to timely stop and sendfocus back to Xlobby. This all would take time and I’ve decided that it had to be better. In looking at Colby’s skin, I like the way he did his overlay to display the movie info, and able to select at that point to play, only then starting Zoom Player. I decided to try my luck at overlays and have something that pretty much works, only when the overlay is on the screen I still seem to have access to underlaying objects, which I don’t want to have happen. How do you prevent this?
Is there a good thread or some documentation that explains how to setup/create overlays?
Thanks in advance for your response