Execute File Command

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Execute File Command

Postby hjackson on Sun Oct 31, 2004 7:42 pm

I am having problems running some batch files through Xlobby's "execute file" command and I am not sure where the problem is occuring. So can someone give a quick explanation on how the "execute file" command in the Event Manager works? What fields are entered in the "Arguments", "Working Directory" and "Window Type" windows?

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Postby hjackson on Sat Nov 20, 2004 9:03 am

...OK then, I'll try being more specific...
I have a batch file that looks like this:
C:\BATCH\uutx.exe "0000 0067 0000 000D 0060 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 03F5"

If I click on it OUTSIDE of Xlobby it works, however, if I enter it in the Event Manager under the "file execute" command, the DOS screen window comes up and just hangs. The command is thus never executed. I imagine the "Arguements" field window should be used but I don't know how. Can someone please help me out. I've been waiting for almost 3 weeks and did not get one reply. :(

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Postby dgemily on Sat Nov 20, 2004 10:13 am

try with the an event "os:execute file"

in "File" :
Code: Select all

and in "Arguments" :
Code: Select all
"0000 0067 0000 000D 0060 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 03F5"

if it doesn't works, try with the "Arguments" :
Code: Select all
0000 0067 0000 000D 0060 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 03F5

or with :
Code: Select all
C:\BATCH\uutx.exe "0000 0067 0000 000D 0060 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 03F5"

if it can help you....

it's strange, I never had a problem to launch a batch file via an event "os:execute file", I already had a problem to execute a program with command line in "Arguments" but never with batch file without Arguments...
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Postby hjackson on Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:01 pm

Thanks dgemily, but still no go. BTW, the file name is actually C:\BATCH\HomeOn.bat , and calling this from "os:execute file" is what I've been trying to do. Again, the DOS window with the command will appear, then freeze. In the "Working Directory" window, I have both left it blank and also placed C:\BATCH\. Neither work. :?

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Postby dalanik on Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:51 am

hjackson wrote:Thanks dgemily, but still no go. BTW, the file name is actually C:\BATCH\HomeOn.bat , and calling this from "os:execute file" is what I've been trying to do. Again, the DOS window with the command will appear, then freeze. In the "Working Directory" window, I have both left it blank and also placed C:\BATCH\. Neither work. :?


Try putting each argument in quotes separately.... This worked for me when trying to pass multiple arguments to a program (even though I tried with 3-4 arguments, not as many as you are trying - not sure this is not too much for poor old windoze)


"0000" "0067" "0000" "000D" "0060" "0018".... etc

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Postby hjackson on Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:27 am

Dalink, that didn't work either :(

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Postby stevenhanna6 on Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:53 pm

send me the bat file and the uutx.exe file, and I will try to replicate everything over here to see what happens.


dont wait 3 weeks next time, you have my permission to bump it daily if you really need something working and no one is responding.
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Postby hjackson on Sat Dec 04, 2004 6:39 am

Problem is solved. UUTX is a commandline app for the USBUIRT. If Xlobby is running with the USBUIRT plugin online, then the batch file is unable to get control of the USBUIRT from Xlobby, so the command hangs (ie. the DOS window doesn't close).
Thanks to Steven and everyone else who were kind enough to help me out! :)

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