No, unless he recently changed...and I mean recently by within the last couple of days. He has full mute all zones, default to 500 (50%), or mute/zone. I was hoping to do this, but in your example, P3rv, you have actual name, not alias name. I followed that example for my use, when I had one card, it worked great. But when the second card was added, and I had to go the Alias name route, because the dummy aliases had to be added per .ini file. You mentioned about adding dummy actual the point of adding dummy plugins in the DSP. My only problem with that is that my one card is only a 5.1 Live, and I'm running low on GPR's. I can't even use three EQ' zone uses the Timbre plugin. I can't imaging adding 3 additional stereo volume plugins for dummy states to that card...well, time to ebay for another Audigy maybe? I'll let someone else find out first if it works or not.
I also stand corrected, you did mention that problem about controlling bars via thin client. Sorry about that.