Talking to myself, now I get http info and write it into a xlobby database. I can refresh it so I see the lyrics into xlobby. But I have two troubles.
First one, the process works if I get english lyrics, with spanish ones I'm not able to save a proper xml file (If I try to open with IE I get an error), the problem is special spanish characters (ñ,Ç,á .....). I'm only able to do it if I save xml file as utf-16, but next time, when I reload a new lyric info, the vbs save the file as utf-8, so the question is if somebody knows how to save a file from a vbs in utf-16 format.
Second one, well, I see the lyric into xlobby but as the lyric is usually very long, I decided to scroll it but xlobby is to much faster for me.....
Any idea about how to control it?. I'd like to synchronize the lyric too. I know track lenght so dividing by the characters I have a good aproax. So the question is how to move the text.....
Any idea would be appreciated.