Naylia wrote:Always,
I think you may almost be making things harder on yourself.
The Hauppauge MVP is a small box that you can connect to any tv in your house. It can access the files on a server computer for display on a tv. It includes a remote. Using matt's software the MVP will act as a SageTV client.
SageTV is running on your server recording tv and doing it's thing. XLobbyMC was built with the idea of minimizing the role of SageTV for everything except PVR capability and letting you have the flexibility of XLobby to handle the other dvds, music, photos, radio, games and such since Sage is restrivictive in how things work while in XLobby you can modify everything exactly the way you want it.
I understand that, I think, but if I have to have a seperate PC client to actually use xlobbymc, then I still need to purchase additional pcs or handheld pcs or ce type devices and for me WAF is hugely based on the fewer pieces of technology that has to be touched, the better.