Not sure if this has been covered before, couldn't find much, but anyway...
I am setting up a modified version of the HeavyMetalX skin which has 3 different movie type screens (movies, tv series, concerts). Each screen fires of ZoomPlayer and I need to enable the zoomplayer screen to handle girder commands.
The big question is, do I have to have a seperate copy of the ZP screen for each of the movie screens so I know which screen it came from? or is there another way of knowing where the ZP screen was called from so I can magically transport back to the calling screen. If I have to create seperate ZP screens so be it, but it seems a massive overhead for something so simple!!! This would also be useful for closing zoomplayer as I could extend the event to close the ZP screen.
My first thoughts were if the ZP events were in a global overlay, although not sure how this would work with the offline overlay as the offline would need to close and call the ZP one when playing the movie.
Any solutions, suggestions? Not sure if I'm overcomplicating this or not!!!