My file server which resides in my garage doesn't do much, so it is the favorite target for being my main xlobby server. Its a 2.4 cel with 512mb ram on an asus p4p800 mobo with a couple of highpoint 454 raid 5 controllers (only one polulated at the moment as I've just upgraded the array).
I want to run 4 or 5 zones directly from this machine. It has onboard sound which will do for one zone.
I have a seperate HTPC in the living room with a RME pst which is where I'd actually sit and listen to music.
The other rooms; office, kitchen, gym, bathroom and bedroom are largly background listening so it probably doesn't warrant another card as good as an RME. I know that the RME with an addon analogue board will allow me to "address" each output seperatly which is what I beleive is necessary for each winamp running on the xlobby server. What else will, a Delta 410 perhaps?
Anybody doing anything similar?