by scott on Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:08 pm
Thanks for the quick reply
I looked at the Ant software but I dont think it will do what i want. I currently have an excel sheet that tracks the contents of my wine collection. the fields that I populate are:
Wine,Quantity,Pending,Size, Price,Valuation,Vintage,Wine,Locale,Country,Region,SubRegion,Appellation,Producer,SortProducer,Type,Varietal,MasterVarietal,Designation,Vineyard....and a few others on seperate sheets.
I have no real programing experiance other than creating excel sheets. My goal is to integrate this data into XL so i could page through the contents of my cellar and track its contents. I envision this like scrolling through the DVD tabe, where a picture of the cover appears (i would substitute pic of lable) and ther along the side would be displayed basic stats about the current selection.
In theory this sounds pretty easy, i should be able to just modify an existing database, like the dvd. In reality I dont really know where to start the process, and then there is the problem of importing all this data.
If I were able to change the field names in Ant from "movie" to "Wine" and so on it would work. It appears that is not possible