multiple music databases

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multiple music databases

Postby erikt on Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:57 pm

A question for the experts (or less clueless newbies :wink: ).

I would like to have buttons on the main page of a skin which will
go to a music page and only show albums of a specific genre. I would
then like to be able to apply a filter within that genre. My understanding
is that I cannot apply multiple filters, so it seems what I need is to
maintain separate databases, one for each genre.

I don't want to have to manually maintain these databases, so what I'd
like to know is, when I import from my music path(s), can I have Xlobby
automagically put the music into the appropriate database, based on
the genre tag? If not, does anyone have an idea regarding how I can
accomplish when I'm looking for?

Posts: 81
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:49 pm
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Postby a06lp on Fri May 12, 2006 8:22 pm

i have a similar issue -
trying to create 2 seperate databases.
I dont need the import to sort into databases (I can have each datbase scan ALL my music) - as long as the music is ONL entered into the database IF it meets the criteria (ex: IF mood='wife'; IF genre='counry')

did you ever solve your issue? how?
Posts: 119
Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:17 am

Postby rembetis on Fri May 12, 2006 8:41 pm

Why don't you just make and save a playlist that contains all the songs that meet your "wife" and "country" criteria. When your wife wants to listen, she just loads the playlist and listens randomly. If she knows what she wants to hear (and doesn't want it sorted for her), she can search for it normally, or you can create multiple playlists.

Alternately, just move those songs into a separate folder and create two databases -- one that includes that folder with all the others, and one comprised only of songs in that folder.
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Postby a06lp on Fri May 12, 2006 9:39 pm

i wasnt clear.
my current solution is to use a 'custom search' - however, it doesn't "stick" - it shows albums, but then the tracks shown are ALL, not just the specified search tag (i posted a bug report).

she DOES want her music sorted. she wants artist>album>track, just like i have for ALL music. But she wants this for only HER music, too.
That's what I'm trying to do.
Posts: 119
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