What makes Xlobby so good?

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What makes Xlobby so good?

Postby walts81 on Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:55 pm

I'm kinda new to Xlobby, but not to the HTPC world. I've been using Meedio for a long time. And while Meedio is not developed anymore, it was only $40 when it was and it's fairly powerful. I've only briefly tinkered with Xlobby, so I'm curious what makes it so great that it costs $200??? I don't mean for that to sound facetious, I really am curious. Maybe I haven't discovered some of its potential???

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Re: What makes Xlobby so good?

Postby rika on Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:11 pm

Welcome to the xlobby world, Josh
If Meedio was Windows, Xlobby would be Windows that you could tweak to Linux if you wanted to :wink:
The $200 is not just for xlobby in current state, it’s for what xlobby will become...
Maybe the $40 for Meedio is just the answer to why it’s not developed anymore.
You can read THIS to get a little bit more info.
This is a last call to join in the boat and how knows what treasures we will return. I know I will be one onboard polishing its canvases.
But as always, if you don’t trust the crew. Don’t join...
Ok, enough of this nonsense :D

The answer to your question is; Because it’s good

Last edited by rika on Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What makes Xlobby so good?

Postby dalanik on Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:19 pm

just my 2 czech crowns worth... :-)

Xlobby is good, and that makes it different from ANY OTHER software that i've seen, in that, that it has excellent screen/event editor. You can customize (almost) everything to what you like.

Meedio was cute, but all skins looked the same. Different graphics, but same layouts... It i sthe same with MediaPortal, which I really like, I always have the mpression that no matter which skin you use, you have same layout etc.

In XLobby, each skin is so different, that yu can't guess it' sthe same program by changing skins :-)

That is just one of mant things, ofcourse, but the most important to me.

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Re: What makes Xlobby so good?

Postby jowaldo on Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:00 pm

yup... flexibility, customization... thats what draws most people in... you can change anything to however you want it to look/act
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Re: What makes Xlobby so good?

Postby Jay on Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:30 pm

What they said :D
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Re: What makes Xlobby so good?

Postby cioffij on Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:44 pm

Well it's not worth $200 to me. I don't doubt that it's worth that to some of you who have multiple zones and $10K video systems. But to me, that's way more than I can afford. I have a $150 touchscreen I got on ebay, and I'm using a decent desktop PC as my htpc.

I was really hoping there was going to be an inexpensive option for people like me, perhaps around $40, but $200 is way outta my range. I'll try to keep the free version running as long as I can, but hopefully I can find something else.

Too bad.

I liked the fact that I could customize the GUI but that's not a $200 interface, I'm afraid. (for me). If I can only get the weather to work again.

Good luck Steven.

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Re: What makes Xlobby so good?

Postby sharp_1 on Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:41 am

cioffij wrote:If I can only get the weather to work again.

cioffi: not sure if this helps you but the xoapweather plugin still works.

XoapWeather: A weather plugin that retrieves information from the weather channel. It displays different information than the original weather integration. It allows for custom variable naming, and warning ticker. Standard weather info as well as radar images and weather illustrations are possible.It is an alternative to the Xweather Plugin.

Link: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/xoap ... p?download
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