XL internal player: Possible to switch subs or lang

V3 help and support questions

XL internal player: Possible to switch subs or lang

Postby lar282 on Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:36 am

Is it possible to switch subs or lang when video is playing in fullscreen from remote, or does one have to exit fullscreen and then press the buttons on the screen?

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Location: Helsingborg, Sweden

Re: XL internal player: Possible to switch subs or lang

Postby samsonlov on Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:46 am

You can create a trigger that when activated, calls the event under the sub or lang buttons.
here's an example of how to add one event:
(*Disclaimer: I am not at a machine where I can test this method, but it "should" work.)

To add an IR trigger for "audio track next":
select Triggers from the Toolbox in Editor, then choose wether to add the trigger to Main or to Skin - I chose Main - under the Triggers box click "Add" (1) and then to select an "IR Receive Trigger" click the corresponding "add" button in the popup box (not shown in my messy example screenshot). Enter a name for your new IR Receive trigger and click "Ok" to close the popup windows (also not shown).

Next, click the "Edit" (2) button under the Triggers box to open the IR Receive window where you will select the corresponding IR device (3) , and then click the IR command (4) that you want to assign the trigger to / the IR command you want to assign to the trigger. - Nothing else to click here - the highlighted IR command is all that's needed to make the new trigger activate every time the highlighted IR command is received by XLobby. - you can now close the IR Receive window, or leave it open for reference - it doesn't matter.

Next you have to add the event that will occur when XLobby "sees" the IR Command tied to the new trigger. Just clisk the "Add Local Event" (5) button under the Events box. "Local Event" in this case indicates that the event will be executed when the trigger is activated - it is not the same as a "local screen event". Now click the "Edit" button under the Events box (6), and the familiar event editor will open where you will select "media player" from the Command Group, and then drag "audio track next" from the Commands Box (8) over to the Event List Area (9).

The steps are pretty-much the same for adding any other type of trigger.

I know, it's much more detailed than you probably needed, given your experience, but hopefully others will find the step by step explanation helpful.
Messy pic, but the info is there.
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Re: XL internal player: Possible to switch subs or lang

Postby lar282 on Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:32 am

Thanks samsonlov. Appriciate the help. Did u start working for Calrad? 2 of my questions answered by you. Kind of funny.

Thanks again.

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Location: Helsingborg, Sweden

Re: XL internal player: Possible to switch subs or lang

Postby samsonlov on Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:34 am

lar282 wrote:Thanks samsonlov. Appriciate the help. Did u start working for Calrad? 2 of my questions answered by you. Kind of funny.

Thanks again.


Hi Lasse,

Please let me know if my suggestions worked for you - glad to try to help - I havn't been using XLobby nearly as long as so many on the forum, and I've learned much more than I've helped, but having sold and installed some of the first XLobby systems since Steven and Wes at Calrad joined forces, I feel like I'm almost an "old-timer". (and to date, I don't believe there is anything else on the market that even comes close to XLobby at any price-point.)

And despite my constant "proselytizing" to the industry about the merits XLobby, I don't work for Calrad, and they don't compensate me in any way for my sharing of my opinions. (Though it looks like it would be a cool company to work for.)

I already have two "jobs" and I will be adding another title soon. I run a small company called Custom Castle, Inc. here in Los Angeles, and I also have a coaching/consulting business where I help integrator/installers and other contractors to improve their business' by teaching them how to improve/develop their relationships with their clients.

As for my third "job", Dafna and I are expecting our first child (a girl) around October 29th, so as fun as it looks, working for Calrad is not even a possibility for me.
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