The plugin is designed to find movies currently playing in theaters in your area and create a Xlobby XML database file with the movie info including local theaters and showtimes, download coverart and stills, and provide links to trailers. The plugin takes country, zip code and radius as inputs. It uses regex to parse the pertinent movie information, coverart and showtimes from Stills are downloaded from, and trailer urls are parsed from Itunes.
This plugin is US, Canada, UK, and Ireland at this time (results are limited to whatever shows for you postal code). Instructions for installing the plugin are below. Here are some screens shots:
Main screen:
Details screen:
Showtimes overlay:
Theaters overlay:
Purchase screen:
Progress Overlay:
---------------- xInTheaters Installation Instructions -----------------
Download the plugin here, unzip and place the xInTheaters.dll in your Xlobby\Plugins folder.
Start Xlobby and hit F2 - select Plugins - highlight the xInTheaters plugin in the right hand window and click Configure. The config should be pretty self explanatory for those that have used the old script.
Config Screen:
Select your country, type in your postal code, select a radius for theaters and click the Edit Theaters button. The theaters config screen will open. Note: Irish counties need to be designated using the county number, check from your county #.
Theaters Config Screen:
You can enable or disable theaters by selecting the check box associated with them. Disabled theaters are automatically sorted to the bottom of the list. You can also order the enabled theaters to your preference using the arrows to the right of the list. The navigation can be a little freaky because of the automatic sorting so verify your list before you click Save.
Configure the other plugin options on main config screen to your preference:
InTheaters Folder Path:
The InTheaters path can be modified to the location you wish
to have the stills, and coverart downloaded too. The default is the root of your Xlobby folder. You can specify a specific local path or you can specify a network share such as "\\server1\sharename\path" (No trailing \ is needed). The plugin will create a directory called "intheaters" at the specified path.
Extended Searching Options:
If enabled the plugin will try searching other sites for movie info & stills that are not available from the default and Individual sites for extended searching can be enabled or disabled.
HQ Coverart Option:
The plugin gets low quality coverart from by default. If enabled, the plugin will do it's best to download high quality coverart from Leave this disabled if you just want the low quality coverart which is guaranteed to be correct when available.
Stills Option:
If enabled the plugin will try to download stills from Select the maximum # of stills you want the plugin to download for each movie.
Theaters - Multi Level DB Option:
If enabled the plugin will create a multi level db with theaters & showtimes available for searching\filtering. It will also include a URL to purchase tickets for those theaters and showtimes that have tickets available. Enter the text you wish to be displayed when tickets are available and NOT available in the next two boxes. This can be simple text or an image (ie "skin://buttons/TrailerIsAvail.png")
Trailers Option:
When enabled the plugin will try to find the movies trailer on ITunes for viewing. Select the size of trailer you wish plugin to link to in the drop down box. If the specified size is not available the script will link to the next largest available link unless only a single link is available.
Fuzzy Matching will use the Levenshtein Distance fuzzy string matching algorithm to try and match trailers when an exact match fails. This helps when Itunes fat fingers a movie title.
Enter the text you wish to be displayed when a trailer is available and NOT available in the next two boxes. This can be simple text or an image (ie "skin://buttons/TrailerIsAvail.png")
Post Processing Option: NEW
Enable this option to have the plugin run a "post" processing command when it finishes searching for movies. Format of the command follows the plugin SDK with exception that ":" is replaced by "||": ex. commandgroup||command||parameter(s) where each parameter for the command is separated by || whether you are entering a value for the parameter or not. So to goto the music screen after the completion of the script it would be: xlobby||goto screen||music||
Progress Overlay Option:
The plugin will display an overlay of the refresh progress if Progress Overlay is enabled. can be a little tempermental so I personally think its a good idea. Enable "Item based progress overlay" for a 5 line progress with the movie title on a separate line - see the variables below for an explanation. Set the the name of the overlay to use for progress. For example the default overlay in the old script version was: intheaters_progress
The variables for display on your progress overlay screen are:
%variable>progover% - Overall script progress text
%variable>progbarover% - overall progress delimiter text "...."
%variable>progitem% - Movie name (This variable is enabled in the config screen by enabling "Item based progress overlay")
%variable>progtext% - Movie progress text
%variable>progbar% - movie progress delimiter text "...."
*** NOTE: This Overlay will Automatically close at the end of the script,
there is no need to have a close button on it!
Debug Option:
If enabled the script will write extended debugging information (ie all the html source) to the Xlobby\Plugins\intheaters_debug.log. You can leave this disabled, it's really just for me to do debugging.
Timeout Option (next to Debug):
A timeout value is available for slower internet connections, this is the time the script will wait for a response from a website in milliseconds. Slower internet connections may need a higher value.
Thats it for the plugin config. Click save and the plugin will save your configuation in the file Xlobby\Plugins\xInTheaters_Settings.xsd. No more having to reset your options every time I release a new version!!!
Plugin Commands:
Only 2 plugin commands are available. Select them just like any other plugin on the F2\Events\Plugins\xInTheaters\Command drop down.
To be honest, I don't think there's a difference right now, at some point GetMovies will be incremental in nature but for now they should both pull a full listing.
Running the plugin:
Create your screens and a refresh button tied to the event above. The plugin will begin spidering for the information on current movies in your area from A "intheaters" directory as specified in the config. Stills and coverart will be downloaded and stored in the folder for their respective movies. The plugin will check to see if the files already exist to reduce bandwidth on subsequent runs. A cleanup routine runs at the end of the plugin to delete folders for movies that are no longer showing. Once the plugin has completed spidering for all movies it will write the output file to Xlobby\databases directory as intheaters.xml. The previous intheaters.xml file in Xlobby\databases will be renamed to intheaters.xml.old if it exists. Finally, a category refresh will be performed for the Xintheaters category within xlobby. After the first run you need to close Xlobby and restart so the database can be initialized, this only needs to be done once.
To view the intheaters data:
Create a new screen for InTheaters (I would suggest cloning your movies screen (and any associated screens/overlays) as the template.
Name the category "Xintheaters" and set the database to "intheaters".
You can access the data using "category>Xintheaters>variablename"
xInTheaters Variables:
- parameter - url (for internal use)
coverart - downloaded coverart
display - movie title
title - movie title
sorttitle - title adjusted for "The", "A", "An"
rating - full rating
filterrating - short rating for searches
showtimes - text view of theaters and their associated showtimes
trailerurl - Itunes url of trailer (if trailers are enabled)
traileravail - configurable variable for indicating trailer found status
theaternames - list of theaters for searches
showtimeslist - list of showtimes for searches
- theater - theater name for subitem
showtime - subitems for each theater/showtimes
purchaselink - ticket purchase link if available
purchaseavail - configurable variable for indicating purchase availability
-------------- End Installation Instructions --------------
Download Plugin
v1.0 06/01/2008 - Initial release.
v1.1 06/05/2008 - Fixed issue for theaters with no showtimes available. Fixed issue if .xml file doesn't exist. Added option for item based progress overlay in the config screen (see progress overlay variables above).
v1.2 7/13/2008 - Update for html changes at,, and Added option for extended spidering of
v1.3 7/25/2008 - Update for html changes at and
v1.4 9/27/2008 - Update for referrer webrequest.
v1.5 9/28/2008 - Fixed bad regex in showtimes parsing, added error handling for regexlist code.
That’s it for now – let me know if you run into any problems!
Good luck,