This new release contains several bug fixes and several enhacements which I will update over the next few days when I get a completed list together. The ability to control xLobby via RS232 2 way has now been added to the triggers section and users can now add there own RS232 triggers. If you test this between two xLobby machines from one serial port to another, use a Null modem serial interface cable. This new exposure will allow 3rd party companies like (Crestron, AMX, Control 4, RTI, etc.) to control xLobby using the RS232 protocol and get 2 way feedback.
1. Enable disable triggers in the skin editor
2. Enable, Disable RS232 communications port under Alt +F2 \ Local Tab
3. Enable\Disable IR devices in the skin editor under IR Devices\Device manager tab
4. Add local events to the trigger manager
5. Under the skin editor under Screen Properties \ Background tab, added (Refresh) button
Bug Fixes:
RS232 Control of xLobby
Select the correct Com Port and Enable RS232 communications port under Alt +F2 \ Local Tab
xLobby Communication Settings:
Bits per second: 19200
Databits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow control: None
If testing with hyperterminal, ensure the folllowing settings are enabled.
“send line ends with line feeds”
“append line feeds to incoming lines ends”
“echo typed characters locally”
All commands will echo back with a “received:” string, with will
include the command that was sent with its parameters.
Protocol Commands
The trigger rs232 command can be used to trip an rs232 trigger in
xlobby. You will pass the text you used for your rs232 trigger after
the “trigger:rs232:” command.
For example, in xlobby there are a series of basic triggers one such
trigger is “xlobby:goto menu” to trip this trigger we will have to
pass this text with the “trigger:rs232:” command as follows.
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto menu
Also note a carriage return must be sent with the command.
The parse command allows you to pass a string which will then be
parsed by xlobby and returned with a “results:” string.
For example if you wanted to get the artist that is now playing you
can use the following string.
which would return the following if we had U2 playing.
any variable or text that is usually parsed within xlobby can be
parsed this way. If you send a string with non-variable text like the
parse:Album Name: %audioplayer>now>album%
it would return the following, notice how “Album Name:” has not been
touched since there is nothing to parse from it.
parseresults:Album Name: Joshua Tree
Current Triggers
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto controls
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto exit
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto help
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto menu
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto movies
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto music ambience
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto music flow
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto music generic
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto music playlist
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto music prism
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto music
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto now playing
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto pictures
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto radio
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto videos
trigger:rs232:xlobby:goto weather
trigger:rs232:xlobby:media player fast forward
trigger:rs232:xlobby:media player next chapter
trigger:rs232:xlobby:media player pause
trigger:rs232:xlobby:media player previous chapter
trigger:rs232:xlobby:media player rewind
trigger:rs232:xlobby:media player stop
trigger:rs232:xlobby:media player play
trigger:rs232:xlobby:music player fast forward
trigger:rs232:xlobby:music player next
trigger:rs232:xlobby:music player pause
trigger:rs232:xlobby:music player play
trigger:rs232:xlobby:music player previous
trigger:rs232:xlobby:music player rewind
trigger:rs232:xlobby:music player shuffle
trigger:rs232:xlobby:music player stop
trigger:rs232:xlobby:navigation back
trigger:rs232:xlobby:navigation backspace
trigger:rs232:xlobby:navigation down
trigger:rs232:xlobby:navigation enter
trigger:rs232:xlobby:navigation left
trigger:rs232:xlobby:navigation page down
trigger:rs232:xlobby:navigation page up
trigger:rs232:xlobby:navigation right
trigger:rs232:xlobby:navigation up
trigger:rs232:xlobby:volume master down
trigger:rs232:xlobby:volume master mute
trigger:rs232:xlobby:volume master up
Under the skin editor you can build and add your own RS232 triggers providing access to control any event in xLobby.
Wes Black